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Leeg Wagen

Bird Names - Sing The Browns [CD]

  • Bird Names - Sing The Browns [CD]
1Nature's Over
2Live Longer Than We Want To
3Defined Stijls
5Natural Weeds
6Oh, Narcotopic Fantasy
7I Had A Girl
8Days Elevated
9People Should Get More Aware
11She Works In A Store
12Garbage Barge
13Taxicabs And Bicycles

Formaat: CD

€12,90 Koop

Op voorraad.

Tropische, experimentele, melancholische, psychedelische folk-rock. Bird Names maakt strange sweet songs. Ze gaan over horror, druggebruik, verwondering en de waarheid. Je hoort invloeden overal vandaan komen: from old pop to country music. Denk aan Lucky Dragons, John Maus, Future Islands en Abe Vigoda.

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Label:Upset The Rhythm
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Daniel Cohen (geb. 1979)

Cody Chesnutt, november 2012
