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Bright Eyes - The People's Key (Tangerine Orange) [Vinyl, LP]

  • Bright Eyes - The People's Key (Tangerine Orange) [Vinyl, LP]

Formaat: LP

€32,90 Koop

Op voorraad.

Negende album. Uit 2011. Samen met ‘Cassadaga’ de meest aanvaardbare en gepolijste plaat van Bright Eyes. Conor Oberst is hier een grown-up rock star als nooit tevoren. Destijds in The Guardian: The album is abundant in such choruses, bound together by a chugging, playful rhythm (Haile Selassie), stabbed by authoritative guitars (Shell Games), or embedded in coruscating electronic effects (Triple Spiral) that, in earlier albums, would have disintegrated into chaos. It's as if Bright Eyes have finally exited their bedroom and entered a brave new musical world.

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Label:Dead Oceans
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Isabel Nabuurs (geb. 1976)

Alabama Shakes, maart 2012



